Throughout the year, Southwest Florida chapter members are asked to help our student members attend events such as our annual daylong professional development conference, Public Relations University. The state Florida Public Relations Education Foundation also provides members opportunities via scholarships and rebates. Click here for more information on FPREF.

Public Relations University

Public Relations University provides an opportunity for Southwest Florida’s public relations students to experience a professional-level educational seminar and become introduced to how to implement real-life public relations strategies and tactics. Donations to this fund will allow public relations students, including members of our Florida Gulf Coast University student chapter, to attend this event free of charge*. Students are required to submit an application detailing why they would like to attend Public Relations University. Thank you for your donation and for supporting our region’s future PR practitioners!

* All funds in excess of those required for PRU scholarships will be put toward other student support, such as membership costs and attendance at other Southwest Florida FPRA chapter special events.


Thank you for investing in our future FPRA leadership.

For more information on our student chapter, contact us at