The Southwest Florida Chapter places great emphasis on assisting its members in their professional development through regular educational luncheon meetings, our annual professional development seminar PR University, attendance at Annual Conference, and the ongoing process of credentialing.
The John W. Dillin Award and The Doris Fleischman Unsung Heroes Award are the pinnacle of professional awards at the state level. Nominations are accepted in the spring of each year and the awards are presented at the Annual Conference. Questions may be address to the State Office at 941-365-2135.
The criteria are as follows:
The John W. Dillin Award
- Nominee must have been a member of FPRA for a minimum of ten years.
- Nominee must have made outstanding and long-standing contributions to FPRA and the public relations profession.
- Nominee does not need to have served as an officer of FPRA.
The Doris Fleischman Unsung Heroes Award
- Nominee must be a current member of a chapter and have been a member of FPRA for a minimum of two years.
- Nominee must have made significant contributions to an individual chapter and FPRA in general.
- Nominee should not be a state officer or a member of the Award Selection Committee, but may have served on a chapter board or as a committee chairperson or continuous committee member.