PR2011: The Evolution of Public Relations

August 7 – 10, 2011
Naples, Florida

From its earliest days as an emerging profession with “founding fathers” Edward Bernays and Ivy Ledbetter Lee, public relations has been a dynamic industry with its share of controversy and change. However, even with their foresight, Bernays and Lee could never have envisioned where our profession stands today with the impact of technology, cultural diversity and global reach.

The 2011 FPRA annual conference will embrace the evolution of public relations including the foundational skills and knowledge required to be competitive in today’s marketplace, as well as taking a giant leap forward …exploring the journey ahead for our industry.
The conference will kick-off with a Tailgate Party to raise funds for the Florida Public Relations Education Foundation. It’ll be a collegiate showdown to see which school reigns. So start dusting off your college colors and plan to win one for the home team.

Mark your calendar now and visit for more information.