Hello fellow PR Professionals,
It’s with happiness and sadness that I write this last newsletter article. It’s been my honor to serve as your President for the last year and as I look ahead at the activities to come I’m excited for what the future holds. The 2013-2014 year has been a busy one with many activities, new members joining the fold and even new babies! We never can foresee the future and I certainly had no idea how the year would turn out, but in reflection, I couldn’t have asked for more. Each member of the board and leadership team has done an outstanding job. For that, I thank you. This has truly been a team effort and what a great team of leaders this chapter has! Speaking of which, prepare for an even more amazing year as Heidi Taulman, APR prepares to take the reigns. Our Chapter Member of the Year, I have no doubt she will lead this chapter well and represent each of you to the best of her ability. Thank you for being a member of the Southwest Florida chapter of FPRA and for what you bring to our profession. Thank you for the trust you placed in me to lead this organization and for the friendship you’ve extended this year. I treasure the experience and each of you. For those of you attending Annual Conference, I will see you soon and don’t forget to – Think FPRA!
Samantha Scott, APR