As you prepare for Local Image Awards, we wanted to give you some simple advice – “Follow the Rules!” Image rules are very specific and are in place to make sure diverse projects are presented in a uniform and standard manner.
Make sure your project falls within the specified time period and remember, you can’t enter the same exact project in more than one category. Two-page summary specifications must be followed: cannot exceed two pages, double-spaced with a one-inch margin and font has to be a minimum of 10-point Times New Roman. You have two pages to educate and prove your project is worthy to a judge. So, each word counts!
In addition to the two-page summary, there are other items you must submit in order for your entry to be complete – an organizational overview, support materials (look for specifics in some categories), a table of contents, a 50-word summary and a digital image that represents your project.
It is heart breaking when someone makes the effort and has an issue with “a rule.” Through the years we have seen award-worthy projects fail to win or, even worse, be disqualified for improper formatting, sloppy presentation and typos in written materials. Remember, PR professionals are sticklers for details and they are the ones who judge your entries.
So, open that Call for Entries and look at the rules and the entry checklist. If you are new to entering Local Image, we suggest making a copy and using it as a checklist. And, of course, you can always come to us with questions or for guidance. We are here to help!
Important dates to mark on your calendars
Image Workshop – Tuesday. Feb. 3
Deadline for Local Image – Friday, March 6
Image Question
Q: What if you have more than one project (i.e., special events) that took place in the proper timeframe and want to enter them in the same category? Can you do that?
A: Yes, you can. Even though you will end up competing against yourself, you are able to enter more than one project in a category. You may have had several special events in a year or have different clients with successful internal programs and if they are great candidates for an award you can (and should) enter them.