Your 2013 Image Committee has already started working on this year’s program. We held our first call with the state association, have developed a theme and will be putting out deadlines for submitting your entries shortly.
But, in the meantime, we want to tell you something that will really help as you think about your projects and prepare to enter the competition. It is quite simple, but very important – the “devil is in the details!”
We know it seems obvious, but it really may be your key to success. Image guidelines are veryspecific. Since projects are different, there must be a uniform approach to presenting an entry so that judging can be fair and impartial. And remember, PR professionals are sticklers for details and they are the ones who judge your entries. There is a certain way to submit or present your entry, what should be included and how your presentation materials need to be formatted. We have seen award-worthy projects fail to win or, even worse, be disqualified for wrong formatting, sloppy presentation and typos in written materials.
Put most of your effort into the 2-Page Summary. Seventy percent of your score is based on the summary of your project that states the reason and need for development of the public relations program or tool, how it was implemented and the results. Make sure you address five elements – Research, Objectives, Implementation, Evaluation and Budget. And it should be clear, concise and factual.
Judges then review support materials for professionalism, innovation and design to score the remaining 30 percent of the entry. Please think about what you can include to help them understand or appreciate your project. Don’t lose valuable points by failing to include support materials that detail what you have presented in the summary. Show the judges what you did – this is your opportunity to be creative!
Read the Call for Entries, use the checklist and followthe specific directions. And, of course, your Image Committee is here to help you at any time.