Even though the deadline for entries is three months away, your Local Image Team is preparing for the 2015 Local Image Awards. And, so should you!
Review your work from January 2014 through the competition deadline of March 11, 2015, to look for potential Local Image entries. Think strategically by being selective and determining the best category for your project. The key to success is meeting all the criteria of a public relations program: Problem Statement/Situational Analysis, Research, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) Objectives, Audience, Action Plan/Implementation, Evaluation and Budget. You can even find Golden Image winning entries from previous years on the FPRA website at www.fpra.org that can help you see what it takes to get an award.
If you are on the fence about entering in general or want to talk a project through with someone, we are here to help. Your Local Image Team can be a great sounding board for a question on whether to enter something or if you are not sure which category to enter. We are here to assist you and make the process easier.
In addition, we are once again calling on some chapter “Image Experts.” If you have never entered before or some time has passed, you may need a little bit of guidance. Just let us know and we will work with you or find an Image Buddy! This program has helped several of our members succeed in entering – and winning – in Local and Golden Image. Image Buddies are there to offer encouragement and advice on how to submit an award-winning entry. This hands-on experience should help you feel more comfortable about asking questions and make entering Local Image a little less intimidating.
If you have any questions about Local Image and/or would like help from an Image Buddy, please contact Vicki Moreland at vbmoreland@flylcpa.com or 239-590-4502.