Boris Hughes, Business Development Manager for Hewlett Packard, spoke with the group about QR codes, direct mail and leveraging technology to make the biggest impact with your marketing / PR plans.

If you missed this lunch, you missed a good one!  Here are a few of the tips he shared:

Creating push in a pull world
The new thinking!
• Companies need to track and drive all marketing channels.
• Interactive print can drive users/buyers to appropriate SM sites and create a push in a pull world.
• This enables tracking and gives your clients the data they need to justify their marketing programs
• Create interactivity that is relevant and may not exist today i.e.
• Make it easy to find with QR codes and pURL$.

Click here to read the News-Press article covering his talk.

Next month, PR University will take the place of our luncheon. See the article in this month’s imPRess to learn how to sign up.