You’ve probably heard the old adage, “you get out what you put in,” right? While that applies to most things in life it certainly applies to your FPRA membership!
The core purpose of FPRA is to enhance the profession of public relations and that means we have to enhance you, our members, in terms of your skills and abilities. Our programs chair and leadership work hard to offer value added opportunities for you to expand your knowledge base with impactful monthly meetings and other, additional events such as PR University, the Media Breakfast, etc.
You may not be able to attend every event or meeting, but I would encourage you to attend as many as you can. You will only get out of FPRA what you put in… it starts with attending meetings and events and could possibly lead you to take a leadership role. Either way, we’re here to support you!
Be sure to visit our newly updated website for a list of upcoming events. If you have questions about your membership, feel free to contact Samantha Scott, APR at 239.221.2858 or