The SWFL Chapter of FPRA has had a great month! The annual Media Breakfast was a great success, with more than 70 people in attendance. The panel offered great insight with tips and information to help our PR pros get their message out. Thanks again to Steve McQuilkin with the News-Press, Krista Fogelsong with NBC-2, Jean Gruss with Business Observer, Waddy Padilla with Florida Weekly, and Amy Tardif with WGCU.
A SWFL Chapter member received her APR, and we are so proud of her. Congratulations Betsy Clayton! Gaining accreditation is a challenging process, that takes time and dedication. I know that Betsy worked hard for this, and we are thrilled to add another APR to the chapter.
And membership is still climbing! The Board approved three new members at the recent meeting, and there are still a few more applications to review. Thanks so much to everyone who promotes the chapter and its benefits! Having more local professionals join the organization not only supports their personal and professional growth, but it helps the chapter to grow as well with the expertise of our membership and the knowledge they bring to the chapter.
This year has been so fun as President, and we still have a few more months. Make sure to sign up for the July 9 meeting where Dr. Christine Wright-Isak will discuss branding. This is also our annual meeting where the membership votes on the incoming Board and Leadership team, and we hand out the chapter awards. It is one you won’t want to miss!