I am always impressed by our members in the Southwest chapter of FPRA! Everyone keeps such busy schedules, especially during this time of year, and I can see the efforts of every member in the community, not only for their organizations, but for charity, networking, FPRA and more. Even with the sometimes hectic schedules, it is great to see that members take the time to come together once a month to learn something new in our industry, and catch up with old friends and make some new ones as well. Our membership is growing, and it is exciting to see so many new faces joining the organization who will bring new ideas and energy into an already amazing group of professionals.
We have had many great topics recently, and still have several fantastic programs coming up. If you entered into the Local Image awards, mark your calendar for April 18 for the Image Ceremony (and April business meeting) from 6-7:30pm. Keep checking our website for details on this event, and even if you didn’t enter this year, come and join me in recognizing and honoring our peers for their hard work on the many PR programs and tools they designed.
On April 19, don’t miss out Community Showcase. This event takes place from 8am to 11am at the Lee County Elections Center on US 41, behind Robb and Stucky. Several PR pros will offer presentations for Non-Profits on PR and Marketing tools and tactics while also covering other important topics like Crisis Communications.
Seeing the events that we have lined up, as well as the events our many members create for the community at large, makes me so proud and honored to be working with such talented professionals in this industry.