By Carla Ulakovic

November is a time to give thanks. It is a time to focus on building and celebrating relationships. Something that FPRA strives to do year round. Though, as the holiday inches nearer we are able to unplug from the monotony of working life for one day (or maybe two) and relax with family and friends. So this month I will deviate from the traditional “president’s word’’ and take the opportunity to share what I am thankful for:

FPRA Friends: As an all-volunteer organization, this chapter wouldn’t exist without its dedicated and passionate volunteers. And as individual’s we are fortunate to be surrounded by a supportive network of FPRA friends.

Education: The opportunities to expand my educational frontier through FPRA and other life endeavors.

Family Togetherness: Someone has to do the cooking, because I burn almost everything!

We’ve had an excellent start to the FPRA year and as you’ll see by this edition of the newsletter there’s a lot to report. So I keep it brief and simply say – I hope that you all have an opportunity to give thanks, relax and watch a little football!