Our Social Media Breakfast is fast-approaching! We’ve assembled a panel of experts who will share their social media knowledge on Thursday, June 25.  Each panelist will discuss a different topic and give you tips and new strategies on how to transform your social media marketing. Read on to find out the inside scoop on the panelists and what they’ll be sharing!
Theresa Ayers, owner of The Get Smart Web will be talking about the Top 4, most current social media trends. Connie Ramos-Williams, owner of Conric PR & Marketing Publishing will be addressing the topic of creating a social media strategy. Andrea Fortin, Chair of Digital Media & Communications at Hodges University will speak about blogging. Ginny Cooper, owner of My Cooper Group will educate you with some Do’s and Don’ts of social media. Finally, Tiffany Whittaker, Director of Business Development and Account Services with Pushing the Envelope will close by explaining how to measure ROI with social media.

Join fellow FPRA members and community professionals for what is sure to be an informative morning! The Social Media Breakfast will be held at the Embassy Suites from 8-10 a.m. on Thursday, June 25. Admission is $40 for FPRA members, $50 for nonmembers and $15 for members of the FPRA student chapter. For more details or for sponsorship opportunities, contact Jessica Potts at (941) 347-6407 or e-mail jpotts@cbhcfl.org. To register for the event, click here