As PR professionals, we know how important it is to correctly pitch stories and communicate with journalists. We know most journalists prefer an email over a phone call, but how do journalists feel about communication on social media? Is it okay to pitch stories via their Facebook page? Is engaging with them socially on Instagram or Twitter appropriate? PR Daily posted a great article exploring “The Dos and Don’ts of social media pitching” that answers these questions and more. The article gives further detailed responses and the reasoning behind the answers, but below is a brief synopsis of the top social media sites and best communication practices on each:
· Twitter
o Okay to socialize with journalists?
§ Yes.
o Okay to pitch stories to journalists?
§ If you must.
· Google+
o Okay to socialize with journalists?
§ Yes.
o Okay to pitch stories to journalists?
§ Probably not.
· LinkedIn
o Okay to socialize with journalists?
§ Yes.
o Okay to pitch stories to journalists?
§ Yes.
· Blogs/Tumblr
o Okay to socialize with journalists?
§ Sure.
o Okay to pitch stories to journalists?
§ No.
· Facebook
o Okay to socialize with journalists?
§ No, unless you are personal friends.
o Okay to pitch stories to journalists?
§ No.
· Instagram
o Okay to socialize with journalists?
§ Sure.
o Okay to pitch stories to journalists?
§ Nope.
Communicating with journalists is a must in the PR profession, but knowing how to communicate appropriately is key to successful relationships among PR professionals and journalists. As previously mentioned, the article is far more detailed and is definitely worth the read.