As an artist myself, I am very sensitive to the concept of sharing someone’s work or, heaven forbid, plagiarizing anything written, photographed or drawn by another artist or designer. Check out these basics and read more about how to use this image sharing application in the future. Check out these tips and do your own research as well to ensure that you and your friends and family are safe and inspired daily by this creative and time-stealing application.
- Don’t REPIN, Pin The Original: Re-pinning in this application is simple and quick, BUT there are many images that do not have the original source connected to the image so before you pin to your own personal board, take the time to locate the original source and be sure it’s stated on the image when your done.
- Don’t CUT, COPY or PASTE An Image: If you begin to edit an image you find and share it on a blog or other source, this is potentially copyright infringement and not legal by any means. Share the image on Pinterest as you found it with the original source ALWAYS included.
- DO Always Critique & Comment (Captions): Be sure to include a comment or critique on the caption section of the image for EVERY image you pin and share to your boards. Once you have confirmed and included the original source, by commenting you are offering feedback to the original source or individual who owns the image and therefore contributing back to the image and it’s source.
So, at least for myself, I will continue using Pinterest as I have simply fallen in love with the idea of opening my boards and being instantly captured for hours at a time by images that offer me creative inspiration, artistic and natural beauty, human emotion and more. I leave you with my final words of wisdom, go forth and Pin!