Seguing into the next panel discussion, Susan’s number one tip is to be available by telephone 24/7! A few more from her handout:
Do suggest possible feature stories, but be prepared to wait!
You must know the right reporter to pitch to!
Paste the text of your release into the news release.

Vicki: As the PR director for 2 airports, my role is “instant answer”. It’s okay to say “I don’t know, I will find out for you and get back to you.”
Take your glasses off on camera.
Be prepared to answer the 5 questions you don’t want to!

The 3 C’s ….
Control your side of the story.
Be Competent – don’t step out of your area of expertise.
Concern – be concerned, show concern.

Importance of bridging technique:
A Answer the question
B Bridge to message you want to convey
C Communicate YOUR message

Practice! Rehearse in advance! Have your staff role play the media for you.

Buying time: repeat the question (as long as it deosn’t have a negative in it)

You can correct errors