Submitted by Jodi Huntoon, Social Media Chair
With more and more brands using Twitter to connect with their audience; it’s a vital component of a well-rounded PR plan.
In a recent article, big brands like Starbucks, Delta and Wal-Mart received accolades for having a stellar Twitter page, pages that are specific to PR. So, what are some of the best Twitter practices used by these top companies that we can use for our own PR? Some of the suggestions provided were no-brainers but others may serve as helpful reminders or a new idea to keep your followers following.
Some of the stand-out tips included:
· In the Twitter bio page; include a link to other Twitter handles within that company. For example, customer service, investor relations, human resources, so folks know exactly where to go to get the specific info they’re seeking
· If the company is publicly traded; it is recommended to share earnings updates
· Retweet news coverage
· Tweet visual media as much as possible
· Sharing links to corporate blogs or to recent website updates
· Includes an email address to all press inquiries directly on the bio page for those with tight deadlines
· Retweet third-party articles that are relevant to the business
· Even though it may not be PR news; includes updates on sales and promotions
To check out more Twitter tidbits, read the full article at